Statkraft and the COVID-19 outbreak
Statkraft is closely monitoring the development of the COVID-19 outbreak and is taking continuous measures in line with the advice of national health authorities.
Statkraft is Europe's largest supplier of renewable energy and has a central role at all times in delivering critical infrastructure, such as electricity and district heating. Statkraft is also a global market participant in energy trading.
Focus on operations
All Statkraft operation teams are well equipped to handle the situation and generate electricity even if employees are to become infected or ill. Our mission as a power producer and district heating supplier means that personnel working in key operational functions must be at work. Statkraft carefully prioritizes resources to safeguard the safe and stable operation of the power plants.
Measures taken
Statkraft has implemented several measures in the operational units, including split teams, reducing travels and attendance at meetings. Home office solutions has been introduced and meetings are being conducted through the extensive use of digital communication. Cleaning and other hygiene measures are also intensified.
In addition to focusing on the daily operations, flood protection and regulation of water levels is also a priority for Statkraft in our hydropower operations.
We continually assess how our construction projects should relate to the spread of the virus and the various consequences it provides.
Going forward, Statkraft will use this website to post updated information on the situation.
Lars Magnus Günther
Media spokesperson -
Knut Fjerdingstad
Media spokesperson