Statkraft at ONS – bringing renewables to the market
At Statkraft’s breakfast seminar at Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) in Stavanger, we will share how we connect customers and create new innovative concepts that add value to both producers and consumers.
As a full-service provider in renewables, this shows Statkraft's contribution to growth of renewable energies, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change.
"We will share how we, with our know-how and services, work in innovative ways to be an international provider of renewable market solutions," says CEO Christian Rynning-Tønnesen.
These are the key topics for the seminar:
“We bring renewable power to the market”
Ulf Eriksen, Vice President Origination, and Andreas Bader, Vice President Sales & New Products, will share insights into how the company serves the entire value chain to customers globally, from producers to consumers, in bringing power to the market, both by selling power from own assets and third-party assets through innovative market platforms.
Providing pure energy
The energy systems of the world are changing, and they are changing fast. Statkraft responds to this with sustainable solutions based on its existing global environmental products, renewable asset base and energy services, and to further build up services matching the market demand. Christian Rynning-Tønnesen, President and CEO, will talk about the landscape Statkraft is operating in and the company’s way forward.
Renewable markets outlook
Energy generation is getting less complex and margins are decreasing. At the same time, the energy systems and markets are becoming more complex. Henrik Sætness, Head of Corporate Strategy & Analysis, will present the company’s view on the renewable markets outlook.
The seminar will be moderated by Willemien van den Hoogen-Bakker, Business Development Manager in Statkraft’s solar team in the Netherlands.